From : The US Department of Energy Web Site
“Some states have created tax incentives to encourage the development of markets for energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy
Tax incentive programs to encourage renewable energy are designed to facilitate the purchase, installation, or manufacture of renewable energy systems, equipment, and facilities. The goal of these programs is to reduce the investment costs of acquiring and installing renewable energy systems and equipment. They reward investors with tax credits, deductions, and allowances for their support of renewable energy sources. Instruments include income, corporate, property, and sales tax incentives. Eligible technologies may include solar and photovoltaic energy systems, geothermal energy, wind energy, biomass, hydroelectric, and alternative fuel technologies.
Tax incentives are varied. Most are implemented through tax credits, allowances, and deductions. A few states have expiration dates, and some limit the time the incentive is available after the installation or purchase date.”
Read the entire article here.
For Individual State Tax Incentives, please visiit the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency